Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Rainy Morning for the Ride to Richmond

When we left Indy this morning, it was raining. We had showers (no thunder) for the first hour or so, but then it stopped and the roads were wet for most of our ride to Richmond, IN. For those bikers out there, you know how the dirt from the road ends up on one's back. This is one time, the captain stays a bit cleaner than the stoker!

We were quite focused on biking with the wet weather. It took us 12 - 15 miles to get out of Indianapolis. Traffic wasn't too bad on a Saturday morning.

We saw our first Amish buggy near Hagerstown, IN. Of course, that is a common site for us being from Lancaster County. It really felt like we were getting close to home.

We rode about 85 miles and had an elevation gain of 2,974 feet. Tomorrow we ride into Ohio. We will be riding close to where LaVern grew up and hope to see some of his family.

Again, we are really glad to be clean and dry! Our bike (and ourselves) were quite grimy when we reached our motel! We took care of cleaning our bike before getting to our room.


  1. You look soooo cute out there in your rain jacket. I bet you two still rode strong today!

  2. Don't take this wrong but.....I'm so glad that you guys are finally getting some rain.
    I keep thinking that 2010XC is using all the "good weather mojo" and there won't be anything left but Headwinds, Heat & Rain in 2011.

    But seriously, Ride Safe & have Fun.

  3. Clean and dried bodies and a dry room after a day of riding in the rain/wet: it doesn't get much closer to heaven than that!! :-)

    ... As you draw closer to home, I hope you two don't turn into "cows heading for home"! :-) May your spirits stay present in the moment; fulling enjoying the experiences!

  4. Cute picture! I am sure you get even happier the closer you get to home :)
