Saturday, June 5, 2010

More Missouri Hills

Today's ride was easier than we anticipated. We knew there would be a lot of climbing and threatening weather.

Our departure was delayed by 30 minutes this morning due to nearby thunberstorms. We needed to wait several times on the route to ensure that we did not run into a thunderstorm. The skies were overcast all day and we rode through a shower near the end of the 76 mile ride. The good news about the overcast skies was that the temperatures remained relatively cool.

We were warned by previous riders that there were 158 hills on our ride today and that it was a tough ride with over 5000 feet of elevation gain. True to tandem style, we enjoyed being able to pedal hard down the hills and then use our momentum and pedaling to get to the top (or nearly to the top) of the next hill. Lots of ups and downs and relatively few tough hills that required pedaling in the granny gear.

There were more thunderstorms in the area last night and more are predicted for tonight. We talked with one farmer who said that many farmers have not been able to get their corn planted due to the rains. We saw many fields like the one in the picture. Of course with all of the rain the pastures are lush and green.

Tomorrow we are scheduled to cross the mighty Mississippi into Illinois.


  1. Pretty pictures! Hope tomorrow is a good day! Dillon will be doing his 1/2 ironman in KS and you'll be biking in MS- Hope it isn't as hot there as it has been here!

  2. Good picture of the "rollers." At least the road appears straight so that you can pick up speed for the next one.
