Monday, June 14, 2010

Climbing to Wooster

Okay, we've heard some comments that our trip seems easy from what we say in our blog. Now, we certainly don't want to leave that impression, at least not me, Janie.

We did a total of 99.3 miles today. That's almost 2 centuries back to back. And yes, we worked! It takes strong legs, a lot of goo and energy bars to make it up all those miles!! The first 75 miles or so we didn't have a lot of climbing. Then we reached Wayne County and we had some serious hills with the steepest grades reportedly registering at 15%. We actually "topped off" a couple of the hills by walking. (Our term for that is "butt-breaks on the move".) We decided to save our legs occasionally rather than pedal every steep grade that comes along.

The scenery was small towns, farms and crops. It rained during the night and early morning in Marysville so we started our day with wet roads again. The staff do a nice job of encouraging the riders along the way.

We did not have rain during our ride, but the bike was really grimy again so we needed to wash it before bringing it in our room. We are at a Best Western in Wooster this evening. Our room is on the 2nd floor and the elevator was not working. So, Zach, one of our staff, volunteered to help carry the tandem up to our room. I was happy about that!

We have two more days before our rest day in Erie, PA. Tomorrow's terrain will be more rolling with slightly fewer miles. We had a half gallon of chocolate milk for our recovery food. After dinner with the biking group, we met Merlin and Loretta Erb who took us for some great ice cream. We enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with them (Merlin was LaVern's college roommate). Now we need to rest up for another big biking day tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I am so impressed! Glad that you two have managed up those hills. One way or another.
