Thursday, June 3, 2010

Goodbye KS, Hello Missouri

Another great day for riding. The light winds made it an easier day than yesterday. Today's temps were great for riding. We did 86 miles in just under six hours of riding time. Our average day's ride on this trip is around 85 miles.

After being in Kansas for seven days (including one rest day), we said goodbye to Kansas. We really liked Kansas. The scenery was beautiful with all the fields of wheat and the Flint Hills. I noticed a sign along the road that said, "A Kansas farmer feeds 128 poeple, plus you." That really made me stop and think how much food comes from Kansas. We also learned that Kansas is not all flat, but has some nice rollers too.

But, it's time to move on. After sixty miles of riding we crossed the Missouri River and entered Missouri. We arrived at our motel around 1:45. We need a bit of time to recover from today's ride and yesterday's long ride.

Being in Missouri makes it feel like we are getting closer to home.

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