Saturday, June 19, 2010

3,000 Miles

The weather was sunny and humid when we left Hamburg, New York this morning. The route to Canandaigua was rolling with some long hills. The elevation gain today was 5,100 feet and the distance was 95.7 miles. So, it was a hard ride and by the end of our ride it was hot.

We passed the 3,000 mile mark today. We have now been biking for six weeks. There are just five riding days remain before the last 15 mile ride to the Atlantic Ocean on Friday, one of which will be a long ride with climbing. It's interesting to hear some of our riders reflections on this journey and how it will change their lives.

We knew there was a chance of storms in the afternoon but did not realize they were so close. Within 30 minutes of our arrival at the hotel a strong thunderstorm went through. Although it did not last long, the rain came down very hard for 10 minutes or so.

We are in Canandaigua which is in the Finger Lakes region. There is a Wegman's grocery store across the street from our motel. Tonight, for dinner we are going there to choose our own food from the Food Market.

1 comment:

  1. They have Indian food at Wegman's! A wonderful treat after weeks of tasteless fast food! Enjoy.
