Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Walk in the Park!

Yes, today's ride felt almost like a "walk in the park." After some long days, today was a welcome break. Only forty miles with a slight tailwind in 2 hours and 20 minutes. We took our time and enjoyed the beautiful day. This area had heavy rains recently, but today was sunny with pleasant temperatures.

There were huge wheat fields as we rode from Guymon, through Hooker and Tyrone to Liberal, KS. We can see huge grain elevators as we approach these little towns. We'll be in Kansas until June 3. We ride from one corner (SW to NE) and have a day off in Abilene.

Even though we started two hours later this morning, we arrived in Liberal, Kansas at noon. We want to get out and walk through some of the town. There are several museums, including the Air Museum and Dorothy's House from the Wizard of OZ. We'll need to rest up for tomorrow.


  1. Wow! 40 miles and less than three hours on the bike; sounds like just a short jaunt! Though those wheat fields can get quite boring! Glad to hear it's going well still!

    It's hard to imagine what life was like for the homesteaders: almost no contact with people, miles and miles of prairie, no trees, ...
