Friday, May 21, 2010

Climbing to Santa Fe

Today is another beautiful day. Sunny skies and temps around 80 degrees here in Santa Fe. We needed to climb from Albuquerque at 5300 feet above sea level to Santa Fe at 7000 feet. The first 23 miles was a constant climb. There were several nice downhills but more climbing before it became gently rolling the last fifteen miles or so. We finished our 68 mile ride around 1:45 p.m.

There was beautiful scenery along the way. We never get tired of the deep blue skies. It was a tiring but enjoyable ride.
We are looking forward to dinner with Mel and Lorene, our friends who live outside of Santa Fe. Tonight Amy and Dillon and our grandchildren, Hannah and Ella arrive from Colorado. Dillon plans to ride with us on Sunday. Tomorrow we hope to connect with George and Mae Stoltzfus who are with their son near Taos preparing for their three generation cross country ride next month.

We certainly are looking forward to our day off tomorrow!


  1. thank you for welcoming yesterday! Rob said ya'll were really getting some speed on that down hill! What fun!
