Monday, May 10, 2010

A Great Tandem Day!

We started our day in Riverside and rode 85 miles to Indio, CA. We had two major climbs (3 miles and 5 miles) but for the most part, it was the most wonderful day for tandem riding.

We rode into Palm Springs past the Windmill Farms. There is a very good reason they have windmills in that area of the country. We have never experienced such a tail wind. We wish our co-tandem riders from North Hall Bike Club could have experienced this. For many miles, we did not need to pedal and saw our odometer peak at 42 miles per hour! We did have to watch for crosswinds and had some sand swirling around us. We were on Interstate 10 briefly today. Tomorrow we will spend most of the 100 miles on I-10.

About half of the day, we were in desert country. Our leaders cannot stress enough to drink water and to replenish our electrolytes. So we are drinking, eating and taking our Endurolytes and following the rules! Our leaders are great cheer leaders along the way and doing all they can to keep us safe!

So far the bike has performed well and our seats are holding up well.


  1. Ira from XC09

    I saw you two on Sunday biking up Manhattan Beach Blvd. from the Pier. Just take it one quadrant at a time on the cue sheet.

  2. Ya'll are too cute on your tandem! I can't wait to meet you in ABQ. Enjoy every moment and don't look back.

  3. Sunday, Ira and I were standing on the pier, watching the parade of riders come down the bike path. I think we both exclaimed, "Tandem!," at the same time. Have a safe ride and post to your blog so we can vicariously ride with you.


  4. As you can tell XC09 is following your in spirit at least...I hope you enjoy the ride as much as we did - I'm looking forward to following your grand adventure.
