Monday, May 17, 2010

Riding to Holbrook - Dust and Crosswinds

Today's ride took us from Flagstaff to Holbrook, Arizona, a trip of 95 miles. The snow capped peak made a nice view as we left Flagstaff.

The day was clear and calm to start and got windier as we rode. Most of the riding was on Interstate 40. The first 20 miles went very well with speeds in the upper 20's. Then the cross winds picked up and the dust clouds were present for 50 miles or so. There were numerous dust devils but we were able to avoid coming in contact with them.

Many riders had flat tires today, some more than one. This is one of the hazards of riding on the interstate. Except for a slow leak which we changed before starting our day, we avoided any flats.

We had two SAG stops today and we are including a picture. SAG stops are always a welcome sight.

We stopped at a Dairy Queen in Winslow for ice cream and a milk shake. One of the benefits of riding like this is that one does not need to worry about gaining weight. In fact, at times it seems like one is feeding a machine so that you have enough energy to ride all of those miles.

It's a tradition to stop at the Jack Rabbit Trading Post. Isabel, who is now 11, has met the Crossroads Riding Group since she has been one year old. Her parents pull her out of school to give us a greeting!

After about six hours of riding time we arrived at the hotel in Holbrook. A hot shower feels really good after a hard ride. We usually drink chocolate milk for our recovery drink. Tonight we go to Pizza Hut for dinner.


  1. An endless supply of chocolate mile and eating until the hearts content! I can not wait!

  2. Praying for your safety and for continued good health.
