Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Riding into Texas

Today was another very beautiful day of biking. There was a smooth six foot berm along a two lane highway for most of the ride. The road was mostly level with only 2400 feet of elevation gain. After yesterday, it was nice to have a day when the wind was not a factor.

The 97 mile ride took just over six hours. After a number of days in New Mexico, we crossed into Texas and are staying at Dalhart tonight. There are many cattle feed lots south of town. We saw irrigated fields, more cattle grazing and the first grain silos of the trip.

We are enjoying some birding from the bike. Yesterday we saw a beautiful Mountain Bluebird. Western Meadowlarks are quite common and we are enjoying their song. Today we saw a number of scissor-tailed flycatchers. We have seen a lot of other birds that we cannot identify. We know that serious biking and birding do not mix but we've enjoyed seeing a few new birds.

The last 20 miles today were a bit difficult. Our seats are somewhat "tired" from all of the riding. Butt breaks helped but very quickly the discomfort returns. We were delighted to finally get to the motel. We are now on Central Daylight Time. "Only" 72 miles tomorrow!


  1. You know you are in good shape when you start referring to 72 miles as "only".

  2. Hmmm, Kansas here you come! :-) ...
    By butt breaks, do you mean off the bike, walking around breaks? or do you mean on-bike standing and coasting breaks? (Of course, neither one helps for long! :-( ) ... How's that bag balm holding out?! ;-)

    Do you all ride as a group; bunched together? Or is it like the Moon Pie ride where people spread out a bit, or ...

    Love the pics and stories!
