Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Surprise in Albany

We had a beautiful ride through the Mohawk Valley today. The day was partly sunny and relatively cool for the 72 mile ride. There was a headwind which slowed us down a bit. This area was is beautiful and the first time we traveled through this area.

When we arrived in Albany we were very surprised by some of Janie's family who came to see us. Bud and Carol, Vernon and Barb and Wilmer and Gladys drove to New York to spend the evening with us. They will also be with us tomorrow evening in Brattleboro, Vermont. It is very nice to have their company and interest in our trip.

We still have two big climbing days coming up. We are still very focused on taking this one day at a time. Some persons are dealing with pressure sores and are trying to stay ahead of them. Our friend who had the fall yesterday cracked three ribs. He finished the ride yesterday in pain. His determination is amazing.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice surprise! Visiters on the trip must make the trip that much more exciting. How much weight have you lost? You look GREAT in these pictures!
